Franz Schubert - Schubertiad
Our 17th supper club at Brockham, Surrey was a huge success on, Saturday 25th May 2024
Our team worked tirelessly, and guests responded positively, the event was enjoyed by all…
The theme of our 17th Nocturne Supper Club at
Brockham Village Hall, Brockham, Surrey
25th May 2024 is: Franz Schubert - Schubertiad
Franz Schubert, (born Jan. 31, 1797, Himmelpfortgrund, near Vienna—died Nov. 19, 1828, Vienna), Austrian composer. He learned violin from his schoolteacher father and piano from his brother. He joined the precursor of the Vienna Boys Choir (1808), making such quick progress that Antonio Salieri undertook to guide his training (1810–16). At his family’s insistence, he was trained as a schoolteacher. In 1815 he wrote 2 symphonies, more than 100 songs, and 4 stage works. In 1818, seeking independence, he quit teaching at his father’s school to tutor Johann Esterházy’s daughters. In 1819–20 he wrote the celebrated Trout Quintet and a mass. In 1821, 20 of his most popular songs were published with great success, and he wrote the three-act opera Alfonso und Estrella. Despite his first awareness of the disease (possibly syphilis) that would kill him, his amazing production continued in 1822, with the Unfinished Symphony and the Wanderer Fantasy. He was often ill during his last five years but continued his production of music, including the song cycles The Miller’s Beautiful Daughter and Winter Journey, the last three piano sonatas, and the Great Symphony. His last years were made miserable by illness, not poverty; in fact, his greatness was widely recognized. He died at 31, having produced more masterpieces by that age than almost any other composer in history. His 600 songs made the lied a serious genre and sparked its great development in subsequent decades.
(taken from Britannica)
Once again, our Master of Ceremonies, Chevalier Richard Winter-Stanbridge will direct the evening, and Chef-in-Residence, Mary Ince will conjure up a feast appropriate to our composer, Franz Schubert, his compositions and time in history. She has researched Austrian food from the early 19th Century come up with a truly authentic, traditional Bohemian menu for this occasion!
Our wines will be selected from various wine regions of Europe.
The live performance at this Nocturne Supper Club will feature well known piano and lieder works by Franz Schubert.

Chev. Richard Winter-Stanbridge

Mary Ince

The cost of £50 per person includes a Welcome Drink, Canapés, a 3-course dinner, Audio-visual and Live Entertainment and a donation to charities related to music training and benevolence for musicians in need.
Curated wines will be available for purchase to accompany your meal and there will also be a cash bar.
The event includes a Raffle to help charities who support musicians and music education.
Brockham Village Hall, RH3 7JJ.
Saturday, 25th May 2024, 7-11 PM
Dress up!